Hey, here is what I have so far. Basically i just used Katie's suggestions and linked them all together. If you have any ideas as to different links or any additions you want to make just let me know by Sunday afternoon or early evening. Also i don't know if we should go into photosynthesis or if that would be getting to off topic.
It looks great, Angelina! The only thing I'm concerned about is how the concepts are plural and some sentences work and some don't. Here's what I think: Keep the concepts plural. Off of plants, we should change it so that there is one arrow pointed TOWARD "includes" then have 3 that branch off from "includes" TOWARD: "fruits", "vegetables", and "flowers" (that wasn't in there yet). The same for tools: Have an arrow pointed TOWARD "includes" and then 2 from "includes" TOWARD "hose/watering can" and "shovel". You could also take "requires" and have it written once then three arrows branching off of that. It would simplify it a little bit. Other than that it looks really good! Let me know if all of that made sense!
Actually: change both "includes" to include. (drop the S). And for tools you could even say "include a" whatever makes it sound better. :) Sorry I couldn't edit my comment for some reason...