Saturday, April 24, 2010

adding podcast

hey ladies,
I am having a hard time getting my podcast on the website. I added it in the attachments part but I do not know how to get it to work right. Also do they all need to be put together or can they be seperate like we have them? If either of you know how to get it to work could you let me know or if we need to post it through youtube, just let me know
thanks, Angel


  1. hey katie,
    for your planting seeds web page were you planning on talking about creating plant rows or do you want me to add that in the setting up the garden page?

  2. Hey-
    I went ahead and edited the podcasts together and got it working. I was having a lot of trouble with it to Angel. Hope it is okay with you guys that I did it this way.

  3. Angel-
    I added my first lesson to your research page.
    Both of you feel free to add anything you need to to either of my pages or edit anything you want. We are getting close! Yay

  4. Hey last thing for tonight...
    We need to put our ePals map on the website. Do we want to put that on the home page (since that is looking a little bare) with a description of why the site was created? Just an idea, if I do not hear back from anyone by tomorrow after noon i will probably just do it since we do not have much time left.

  5. hey ladies,
    I almost think that Dana's overview page would work fine for the home page. what do you think? Then we could just omit the overview page?

  6. Angel-

    I think that's a good idea! I wasn't really thinking of anything good to put on the homepage.

  7. Yes I think that sounds like a good idea too Angel. Where do we want to put the ePals map?
