Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Module #10

Happy rainy Wednesday!

We have our final concept map as well as our team website that are due April 25th. I'd like to get started on them soon because I'm going to be moving for the rest of the month (between Curtis and me). That way I can work on it whenever I have free time. The website has a lot of details too!

I pulled this from the Module just for a reminder (and a quicker glance):

Remember, the target for this web site is for teachers. It will contain information and resources on how to implement project-based learning, walking students through the process of a a specific project. The web site should be developed in a clear, logical way with activities, examples, etc.

NOTE: You will be graded down if your team creates pages according to assignments -- as stated above, this web site should be developed in a clear, logical way so a teacher could use it to go through the steps to teach this unit.

NOTE: There should not be a resource page ..... everything should be plugged in to appropriate areas and it should be presented in a clear and logical order.

This should get us started at least. Please post any ideas that you guys have! I'll be thinking about it as well. Just wanted to get this is the blog early. Hope you both are having a fantastic week!



  1. hello everyone,
    it does look like there is a lot of work to be done for this website. The first thing that we have to do though is create a group gmail account. I can do that part I think we are supposed to use our team concept name for the username but i am not sure. We would also need to come up with a password. Let me know what you are thinking

  2. Holy crap. I have so many email accounts I don't know what to do with them all!! If you can, I'd keep it the same as our blog name "edt3470garden1" and do "gardenfun" for the password or something like that.

  3. Ok so I used the username and password that katie suggested for the gmail account. Our website url is let me know if you have problems getting into it.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Here are some websites that I have found to add to our website.
    this site gave examples of types of plants that worked out well for student gardeners and tips for having a student garden.
    this was an interactive website for students to use, they will learn about the different parts of plants and what their functions are.
    this was focused on creating school gardens and getting the students interested as well as safety information as well as lot of other informatin and ideas

  6. Sounds good. The urbanext.illinois link is a branch off of the website I evaluated. Yet I think it's different enough to count as another. Mine was the planning for the garden and such.

    I am going to create a basic web site for us so I can begin to add my pages. We each need to do 2 pages. In Google Docs I copied and pasted the web site requirements so we don't have to keep checking e-learning. :) Feel free to change anything when you work on the website--like I said, this will just be a basic layout.

  7. haha just kidding. Looks like you were already on top of things, Angelina. :)

  8. okay so there is so much stuff to do for this website. How are we going to divide up what each of us is doing on our two pages? I thin that we should all use a similar template for the pages so it flows. Should we do another page where we can link all the assignments that we did through out the semester that she wants included? Would you guys be up for trying to meet sometime so that we can try to figure some of this out a little bit easier?

  9. I can meet some time this week if you'd like-- just not Tuesday, I'll be in BC moving furniture. Wed/Thurs I have night classes, so just let me know. :) If we do it Friday I would have to be done by 2 at the very latest.

    If you haven't noticed already, I went ahead and created 2 web pages for each of us with our names so we can work easily for now. Then we will change them at the end. Sound good?

    Also, I couldn't get the WMU logo to link to the site for the homepage. Do either of you know how to do it successfully? haha.

  10. Friday morning would work for me or some other time over the weekend. I have class until 4 the rest of the week.

  11. Friday morning would be perfect. What time would you like to meet? I have to leave Kalamazoo by 1 pm at the latest to head back to Battle Creek.

  12. the earliest I can meet is 9:30, but anytime in between then is fine with me, just let me know.

  13. Where do you want to meet? also i will probably be bringing my daughter with me, just a side note when thinking about a good place to meet.

  14. haha you changed your name! :)


    Angel(ina) hehe and I met today and got some stuff figured out for the website. I'm going to turn the requirements for the website into a more organized checklist so it will be easier for us to see what we have and what we still need.

    We kind of figured out titles for pages and how it should be organized and where our assignments fit. I'm going to put it in PowerPoint so it looks more like a website--each slide will represent a webpage and a list of things that need to go on it. I'll try to get that done tonight when the little one is in bed and will email it to our group email account! If you have any questions, just give me a call!


  15. Hey Ladies!

    It looks like your meeting was very productive! Everything looked really great in the power point you put together Katie. Sorry I couldn't make the meeting, I would have rather been there then at work haha. Just a heads up my Lesson 2 would fit very well into the "caring for a garden" page.

    So I started doing some work on our team website today. I added new pages to our website that match the headings of the power point slides that you had decided on. Then I started working on the "overview" page. I need both of your podcasts so that I can link them all together onto the page, unless we each want to link ours separately. The page also needs the final concept map after it is submitted. I also put a game on the page, do you think that is okay? It is cited and everything... Feel free to change or add anything that you would like to the page, I just wanted to get something started for us to work with.

  16. Hey-
    I did a little bit more work on a couple of the pages for our website tonight. Let me know what you think so far.


  17. Hey Dana,
    What you added to the website looks great.
