Saturday, February 6, 2010

ePals and Map (continued)

Hey ladies!

I edited the map a bit. I wasn't sure if Angelina wanted a straight shot line or one that followed the roads, so I created a "flying distance" and a "driving distance". I added descriptions into each box--the two cities and the two lines. Check them out and let me know what you think! If you both are fine with or (or make changes), let me know when you think it's complete and I will add it into our blog with a brief description about how the students will use the map.

As far as ePals.... I have no idea if we are actually supposed to contact another school or not... There is minimal information about ePals in the module. And nothing says that we need to contact someone/a class.

For the PBL Description in Google Docs:

I will be adding a document tonight answering the four specific questions she gave us. Take a look at that one too and add/change what you want to in my document. Let me know when it's final and I can publish that in the blog too!

Have a wonderful night,

Call me if you have questions early tomorrow (269) 317-8492. I won't be by a computer until later in the afternoon, but might be able to still help!


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