Monday, February 22, 2010

Week of 2/22/10

Happy Monday ladies!

This week's assignment of the MovieMaker movie is also individual. Let me know if either of you would still like to meet for open lab though.

I think I will keep my movie parallel with my lesson plan. I'll make a movie on the steps to planting the garden--but I don't know if I'm going to make it into a "story story" ...probably will. Post your thoughts and ideas and what topic you decide on as a comment so they all stay together. One more week until spring break!! :D

Have a great week! Stay warm! (stupid snow...)



  1. I am okay with not meeting again this week since the project is individual.
    I will also keep my movie on part of my lesson too. I will probably make mine on collecting weather data from a classroom thermometer and rain gauge. Something along those lines. Have an excellent week!!

  2. sticking to our lessons sounds like a good idea to me. I will probabl do something with the plant life cycle and needs. Have a nice weekend and fun sspring break!

  3. You too, girls! Hope you get to see a little sunshine this week! (Unfortunately, my only source is the tanner... haha)
