Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Lesson Plan Two

So lesson plan two with Excel is due this Sunday. Have either of you decided what you are doing yours on yet? Directions for this week said that we were supposed to discuss in a post who is going to do what so that there are no repeats. I was going to continue off of the first lesson I did and have the students collect rainfall for the entire year (they were collecting it for just a month in my first lesson) for Michigan and Arizona. They would put their data into Excel and then graph it to get a better visual for the weather differences and growth patterns related to plant growth. Let me know if either of you have a problem with this or if it is too close to anything that you are already working on.


  1. The rainfall collection is a good idea. I think that I may just have them do a survey about their favorite MI plant.

  2. Both of yours ideas sound great! Angelina, could you give me some example plants that you talked about in your first lesson? I was thinking about having the students find out how far apart the seeds "we chose" need to be when we plant them. From there they could figure out how many plants they would be able to have in each row, etc. The students would put the information in Excel and graph it to show the comparison of each row (or plant type) to get a general idea of what the garden would look like.

  3. Hey Katie,
    I did not really focus on any specific plants in my lesson. I just had the students explore some of the different plants that oocur naturally in MI. They did this by looking at the DNR website

  4. Ok. Thanks, Angelina. Maybe I'll look up a couple on the DNR website.
