Friday, March 19, 2010


Hey ladies!

I hope you two are having a wonderful sunny week. I've heard it's going to end tomorrow for a short time. :(

Any thoughts on how we should divvy up the podcast? Do you guys want to work together in the lab on it or even somewhere else on campus? Or would you rather just communicate through the blog and/or email? Just looking for suggestions and thoughts. (Plus our blog has probably felt a little neglected this week).

Hope you both are doing well this week!



  1. Hello-
    I would definitely be interested in meeting up if we could find a time that was good for everyone. I do not really care what we do the podcast on, so if anyone else has a preference I don't mind. It would be nice to pick a topic that we could make flow easily,like the steps to planting a garden. Just an idea though... It would be nice to pick a topic to start working on before we meet so that we have something to work on.

  2. That would be a good idea, Dana, especially since it's not something that technically goes into the concept map. I have 6 steps listed as a comments under our concept map rough draft. We could each elaborate on 2 of the steps... or we could talk about our own aspect of creating one-- like the things we did our lesson plans on. Let me know, but I think we could easily get 1-2 min. each out of 2 of the steps to planting a garden!


    PS- I won't be able to do it Friday during lab because I babysit from 11-3 in Battle Creek. I have night classes Wed & Thurs but anytime after that is fine. What works for you two?

  3. Meeting sounds good to me as well. Anytime this weekend works the best for me. Maybe friday evening or saturday afternoon some time. I am pretty busy the rest of the week but just let me know a time for the weekend and I can usually work around that pretty well. If each of us do two steps to the planting process I think that will make it flow well. Does anyone have a preference to what parts they want to cover?

  4. I could meet Friday evening. I have to work on Saturday from 3-11:30 so I could only meet earlier in the day. I think we should each plan on doing two of the steps that Katie listed under the concept map. She wants us to let her know what order they go in when we submit them and the six steps would be really easy to do that with. I would like to start working on it tomorrow so if you guys don't mind I can take steps 1 and 2. Let me know what you think!

  5. Just wondering exactly how you are breaking up the steps so I will know where to pick up and what to work on.

  6. The six steps that Katie had listed were:
    1. Finding the spot
    2. Dig Garden
    3. Make Rows
    4. Plant seeds
    5. Place row labels
    6. Water seeds
    So if we each took two and stuck to exactly those two I think we would be fine with no over lapping. I hope that answers the question that you had. I have started with 1 and 2 for my part.

  7. Okay that helps thanks dana. If you are doing 1and 2 then I can do 3 and 4.

  8. Sorry I didn't get back to you guys sooner! My week has been hectic! And things are popping up out of nowhere. I have Vange (Curtis' daughter) Friday night, but if we meet at the school I could probably just have her bring her leapster or some books. I wouldn't be able to stay too long though. I was supposed to leave for GR Saturday morning but I believe it got pushed back to afternoon. If need be, Dana and I can meet Saturday morning. I'm not really sure on the time that I'm leaving now on Saturday... I hate not having a set schedule sometimes! Oh my gosh... If you guys don't hear from me, please call me! I have class tomorrow from 11-12:15 and from 6-9, but let's make sure we figure out a day soon enough that way it's not a spur of the moment thing for you guys! And I'm fine with 5 & 6. Let me know if you guys need any extra info for your steps. You can also listen to my youtube video--that's on the steps as well. :) Have a great night!

  9. And that means Dana is Podcast #1, Angelina #2, and I'm #3! :)

  10. so are we going to be meeting or do we just want to post scripts on here to makr sure everthing lines up? If we are meeting when and where? Like I said I am pretty open.

  11. I just talked to Dana a little while ago. I saw Kelsey in Flossie's so I asked her what exactly the podcast had to be--whether it was geared toward students or adults. She said either route is fine as long as we include at least 2 concepts from the text book. Dana and I thought it would be a good idea to turn the podcast into a "recap" for the students as far as the steps go to creating a garden (we each would still do the two that we chose). And then we would also talk about what concept fits into what they did for one or both steps. "We (or the students) learned this through/by...." Her example was concept mapping. You guys could also incorporate something from your lesson plans if it works into it. She said that if we get stuck on our particular part of the podcast to email her telling her what part we are working on and she could give us some ideas for concepts.

    I would still like to meet. I think it would help us out a lot. The only thing is, is that it would have to be tomorrow evening. We could meet in the Education Library. Just let me know what time works for you guys. I have to babysit in Battle Creek until 3--maybe a little later. So around 5 or 6 would probably be good. And I'll have Vange with me.

  12. Just another thought... since you, Dana, are doing step 1 and 2, you could incorporate your lessons on weather patterns, etc. Those will fit into finding the perfect spot and you could also talk about using ePals and how the students worked with another class in Arizona-- is that distant learning? That could be a concept. And in my lesson, they made a web organizer (like concept map) of all the gardening tools they would need.

    Angelina, since you have digging rows and planting seeds, you could incorporate your lessons of researching the different plants in Michigan. I know my 2nd lesson also included seed spacing for their data collection in Excel (found on the back of seed packets).

    I'm still kind of stuck on mine though, which is row labels and watering the plants. I've added in that they collect data about how much water each plant needs and how frequently they need to be watered. Both of those, as well as the plant's name will go on the row label. And I guess I could talk about how the students keep a daily log of what plants they watered and how much. ...?

    What are your thoughts on this?

  13. 5 or 6 works for me. Katie you could also have them record plant growth, since you are the last two steps anyways.

  14. Good call! Ok. I have to babysit from 11-3ish.. so tonight I'll work on writing my script with you guys. How does that sound? That way the tenses are consistent and terms, like "we" versus "the students." Hope to see you both then! I will give you two a call when I'm finished so we can finalize our plans. :)

  15. hey I emailed Kelsey to double check the requirments and she said that we need 2 concepts per person and 1-2 min. each so that the total time is 3-6 min.

  16. I know that hte two of you had said you would incorporate epals and data collection. I was wondering if with the data collection you were also going to talk about excel? If not I could use creation of graphs from excel and hotlists for my part. just let me know.
